Monday, January 13, 2025

Letters to the Editor: July 23, 2019


Letters to the Editor: July 23, 2019


In response to “You can do better than this”

As a Tomahawk (THS) band student, our band is comprised of students who not only have school pride, but also pride in our performances. Our director is passionate about music and encourages all students to excel.

We put on some outstanding performances throughout the year and are not defined by an out-of-school performance in which everyone involved volunteers their time. The 4th of July parade is not an event that students are required to participate.

It is my understanding that the band program does not have enough funding for breathable uniforms or quality equipment, but if community members feel this is important, I’m sure donations to the Fine Arts Department would be greatly appreciated.

I encourage members of the community to come to our live performances throughout the year to show support and enjoy the THS talented group of band students. It is disappointing that community members would rather tear down and point out flaws, which high school students see and hear, rather than cheering us on and supporting our efforts.

I am going to be a senior this year and I must say, I am proud of everything the THS band has accomplished and cannot wait for an unforgettable year.

Sierra Swenson



If you can’t say something nice...

Recently a letter was published that disparaged the band director and band students of THS at the 4th of July parade. First of all, these are kids. Kids that came out on a holiday to perform for the city of Tomahawk. Kids that are now expected to have an associates degree by the time they graduate but still find time to take band as an elective class. Kids that go to a school that doesn’t put value on the arts program so they have to work with what they can. The band director had to buy those shirts with money out of his own pocket to try and make them look as good as possible. So instead of writing insulting letters directed at children, why don’t you donate your time or money to help their program get better? If you can’t say something nice...

In addition, shame on the Tomahawk Leader for publishing a letter that degrades students, these are children, you should be better than that.

Jocelyn Walters



In response to “Community is owed an apology”

You’re right, someone owes you and the other likeminded people an apology for allowing Confederate flags in Tomahawk’s 4th of July celebration parade.

I made inquiries and heard “freedom of speech.”

At this time I offer my own apology and to the Lions my resignation.

Yours truly,

Tom Kelley



To deny our history

I read with interest the letter regarding the Confederate flags in the Pow-Wow day parade. It seems that regardless of what the flag represented at the time, it is still part of our history. It appears that some people would be happy to see all of our nations history deleted and nothing that happened before 1900 allowed to exist. Oh my mistake, we would have to move that date to after 1945 due to the internship of the Japanese citizens that were sent to camps during WWII. That would be another blemish on the flag so we need to ban flying a 48 star flag as it represents that era.

Now we are going to have to create history books that show that the United States didn’t exist before that date so no-one would be exposed to the history that certain individuals are offended by. This will be a tough assignment as it seems that everybody seems to be offended by something. Being deeply interested in history I find it very upsetting in the way that certain monuments and other historical items are be destroyed or banned. The world was a lot different in the time and place where these periods occurred. We are being foolish to judge them by the standards of the 21st century. They are pieces that represent the past and need to be considered in that light. Thankfully the world has changed though not always for the better, but to deny our history is to not learn from it.

Gordon Lovsletten



A concerned voter

If a special interest group wants their “Pride flag” to be flown, it should be on a separate flag pole. The people of the United States have not voted to have the Pride flag flown. This publicity comes from a very vocal group.

People are born male or female. LGBTQ is a movement, a personal or individual life choice.

The American Flag represents our country. The flag flies because of service members who sacrificed and died to preserve our freedom.

The Pride flag does not represent most Americans or the blood of our soldiers. Why should a few politicians or board members decide to fly the Pride flag? Let the majority of people vote and decide.

Marie Skic



Oneida County property tax bills due by July 31

The second installment of the 2018 Oneida County property tax bills is due by July 31, 2019. Due to limited parking and long waiting lines, mailing tax payments is recommended.

If paying by check please make sure the numeric and written portion of the check are the same and check is signed. If numeric and written portion of checks do not match or if checks are unsigned they will be returned, which could result in penalty and/or interest charges. Post-dated checks will not be held and will be processed the day they are received.

Oneida County payments can be mailed to Oneida County Treasurer, PO Box 400, Rhinelander, WI, 54501. Payments in person can be made to the County Treasurer’s office on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Oneida County Treasurer’s office is located on the first floor inside door #2, on the Dahl St. side of the Oneida County Courthouse in Rhinelander. To expedite processing, please have your payment ready and check written before stepping to the counter. For after hour payments, by check only, please use the drop box located on the Dahl St. side of the Courthouse. We suggest mailing tax payments early. Tax payments must be postmarked by July 31stand received in our office by August 7th or they will accrue a 10 ½% penalty and interest charge for late payment. Penalty and interest will continue to accrue at a rate of 1.5% per month until the bill is paid in full. For more information, phone the Oneida County Treasurer office at 715-369-6137.

Oneida County payments may also be made in the main lobby of any of the following locations: Associated Bank in Minocqua, and mBank branches in St. Germain and Three Lakes. Bank staff will only collect those payments presented with a tax payment stub and exact payment amount inside the bank-please do not use the drive through for this service.

Oneida County payment by credit card or electronic check can be made through Point & Pay by calling 1-888-891-6064 option 1, at, click on Departments, Treasurer, Pay 2nd Installment or Delinquent Tax payments online, or from the Oneida County home page click on Tax, Deed, and Permit Search, enter the parcel information. Once you are in the parcel you can click on Pay Taxes Online. You will also need your tax bill number. This can be found on the tax bill or the website under Tax, Deed, and Permit search. Please be aware that Point & Pay will charge you a convenience fee for using their services.

Any payment returned by banks or Point and Pay will be charged a return check fee of $20. Taxes will be returned to unpaid status, which could result in penalty and interest charges.

Kris Ostermann

Oneida County Treasurer


Merrill Recall Election

Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in the Recall Election; the turnout was great. We would especially like to thank those of you who threw your support behind the Recall effort and the candidates who ran.

We congratulate challenger Steve Sabatkeand the returning incumbents in their victories. The fact that the majority of the races were relatively close suggests that while people do recognize and like the progress being made in Merrill, there is still significant concern as to how it is being made and at what cost.

It is our hope that we can all now choose to work together to find areas of compromise, but it will take all of us doing our part. The Alderman want to hear from us, and truthfully, it is up to us to reach out to them when we have concerns about decisions being considered. We need to all be diligent in our duties by attending meetings, or at a minimum, watching them and reading through the meeting packets provided on the City website. They have now heard our voices, but they cannot read our minds.

We must work together to make sure we don’t find ourselves back in this position in the future.

The Recall Committee is still accepting donations to help offset the cost of the recall. Donations may be dropped off or mailed to Mark Bares, 502 N. Center Ave, Merrill; payable to “Recall Committee.”

Thank you,

Mark Bares & LaDonna Fermanich

Recall Committee

Letters to the Editor


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