Letters to the Editor: Feb. 16, 2022

Letters to the Editor published in the Feb. 16, 2022 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


Least we owe them is respect, thanks for accepting civic responsibility

To The Editor,

It has been over a year since the Presidential Election was held and, by every recount and by all State and Federal court rulings, Joe Biden has been duly elected and legally certified as the President of the United States.

Yet, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, former President Trump and many of his followers continue the mantra that somehow the election was “rigged” and that Mr. Trump is still the President.

The only way that an election can be “rigged” is by the total malfeasance and dereliction of duty by each one of the thousands of municipal and township election committees throughout the Country…and I refuse to believe this.

Every election committee in the nation is composed of citizens who have recognized a civic calling and have volunteered to be an important part of the election process. These committee members are our friends…our neighbors…our relatives…and our fellow citizens who have volunteered their time to learn their local election laws and be instrumental in the entire election process. We all need to recognize and appreciate this.

The least that we owe them is our respect and our thanks for accepting this civic responsibility.

Please remember this when discussions of “rigged or stolen” elections occur…and please consider volunteering yourself for future elections.

Bill Weber



Alas Babylon!

We are as Lemmings racing toward the sea and the cliffs above, upon reaching them, catapulting ourselves over the edge, crashing our bodies onto the jagged rocks below or succumbing to the foamy, frothy depths of the sea.

There are 2300 Americans dying daily from a highly contagious, deadly, and preventable disease. Placed in a more basal, guttural, perspective, were that to descend exclusively on our community, in less than 36 hours we’d be no more! In the entirety of Lincoln County – less than 15 days!

Alas Babylon!

Curtis G. Powell


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