Historical Society wraps up ‘Shoe Drive’ fundraiser

For the Tomahawk Leader

TOMAHAWK – The Tomahawk Area Historical Society wrapped up its “Shoe Drive” fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 21.

The Shoe Drive began in May as an effort to raise funds for the Historical Society’s Antique Print Shop and Tomahawk Boat Museum building project. The new museum will be built behind the organization’s Old Kindergarten Museum on E. Washington Ave.

The Historical Society ultimately collected 4,825 pairs of shoes, filling 193 bags with 25 pairs each and totaling about two and a half tons.

The shoes will be sent to those in need in Third World countries, and the Historical Society will be paid for the shoes, with the funds going towards the museum project.

The Historical Society noted that the Tomahawk community was “incredibly supportive, with shoes coming in until the last minute.”

Photo courtesy of Kathy Tobin.
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