Felzkowski receives WCA’s Outstanding Legislator Award

For the Tomahawk Leader

MADISON – State Senator Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk) last month received the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA)’s Outstanding Legislator Award.

A release from WCA said Felzkowski was recognized for her “exceptional work on behalf of county government during the 2023-2024 Legislative Session.”

“Senator Mary Felzkowski was one of two authors who spearheaded what could be described as the most important piece of legislation in generations in our state – the shared revenue bill,” said WCA President and CEO Mark D. O’Connell. “Because of her leadership in working alongside our team and other local units of government, as well as with both sides of the aisle and the administration, this new law provides much needed funding to counties and the entire state moving forward.”

The release said the WCA Outstanding Legislator Award is handed out biennially to a select group of legislators who have represented county interests in both the legislature and in their districts.

“These legislators have demonstrated leadership for counties on key issues, legislation and the state budget,” WCA stated.

“The work of Senator Felzkowski can be felt not just in Senate District 12, but throughout our state,” O’Connell said. “We are incredibly proud to present her with this award and are grateful for her dedication in advancing sensible public policies that keep in mind the taxpayers of Wisconsin.”

In her State Capitol office on Tuesday, Aug. 20, Felzkowski (left) was recognized with her WCA Outstanding Legislator Award from WCA Government Affairs Associate Chelsea Shanks. Photo courtesy of WCA.

About WCA

WCA represents the interests of county government both on the state and federal levels and is located in Madison, Wis.

For more information, visit www.wicounties.org.

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