School District of Tomahawk hosts Regional Spelling Bee

For the Tomahawk Leader

TOMAHAWK – The School District of Tomahawk hosted a Regional Spelling Bee this week.

The bee, held on Tuesday, Feb. 6, featured the top six spellers from Tomahawk Elementary (TES) and Middle schools, St. Mary’s School, Northland Pines, Phelps, Three Lakes and Arbor Vitae Woodruff (AVW).

Regional Champion speller Ava Meyer, an eighth grader at Pines, will compete in the State Spelling Bee at Madison College’s Mitby Theater in March.

Tomahawk fifth graders Jackson Jones (TES) and Micah Cerkas (St. Mary’s) took third and fourth places, respectively.

Pictured, back row, from left: Noah Jenson, Jackson Jones, Jayda Devillers and Micah Cerkas; front: Ayden Finks, Matilda Vanasten, Elaine Huber and Antonio Daniels. Photo courtesy of Angela McPherson.
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