Letter to the Editor: Nov. 1, 2023

Letter to the Editor published in the Nov. 1, 2023 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.

Pine Crest quotes and facts to contemplate

Majority? 85.3% of 782 survey replies = 667 to increase county portion of real estate taxes. Lincoln County has 17,541 registered voters; 8,603 cast ballots in April 2023.

Independent Financial Audit? Audit for Yr. End Dec. 31, 2022, by Clifton Larson Allen LLP was presented to Lincoln County Board on Oct. 17, 2023.

Ownership? “For years we have been investing in Pine Crest.” What amount have you invested? Resident of Lincoln County for 70+ years but only one in 30,000 living in Lincoln County. There is no guarantee that you will be accepted at Pine Crest. It’s a true story that in past two years, a lifetime Lincoln County resident was denied by Pine Crest twice. She had been living in Merrill but ended up in Tomahawk in privately-run nursing home.

Affordable? Last time I checked for someone paying for their care, Pine Crest was approximately $9,000.00 a month – same as other nursing homes. Assisted living homes are about half of that.

Quote: “I only knew I couldn’t afford to put him in a private nursing home at a cost of $6,000.00 to $9,000.00 a month. Fortunately, a woman whose family took classes from Ken connected me with Pine Crest.” “As we age it’s only right that our county should look out for us.” (From someone who has spent years in Lincoln and Marathon County.)

Leona Vander Sanden


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