Letters to the Editor: June 7, 2023

Letters to the Editor published in the June 7, 2023 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.

Eastern foxsnake

Dear Tomahawk staff and readers,

We want to thank you for your recent article which shared information and photos regarding the Eastern Foxsnake, sometimes known as the “Pine Snake.” It is always good when we have an opportunity to learn more about the rich world of local wildlife here in the Northwoods.

We, personally, are grateful when we are lucky enough to have a Pine Snake as a neighbor since their primary diet is rodents, and we struggle with voles who invade our garden and mice who would like to take up residence in our house and buildings. While Pine Snakes can be quite large, we have found them to be docile and shy when they are “given their space.” Even if surprised and they move their tail (like many snakes) in warning, making a rustling sound that may seem to sound like a rattler, they have given us ample time to change course and walk away. In our experience, it would be difficult to get one to bite if given an option.

On the other hand, it would be unwise to try to capture one and keep it as a pet. Better to consider it a neighbor with whom we share these beautiful woods and wetlands as our common home.


Karen Davis-Brown


Pride Month

June is Pride Month; when we are reminded we live in a country where we proclaim all people have equal rights regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, country of origin, or sexual orientation or identification.

I would offer the following for us to ponder.

You accept me for what and who I am, or so you say! Would you really if I was brown, black, or white as day? Would you really if I was protestant, catholic, Jewish, or the way I pray? Would you really if I was deaf, blind, or challenged in some other way? Would you really if I was tall, short, or how much I weigh?

You accept me for what and who I am, or so you say! Would you really if it’s a different drum I march to or the tune I play? Would you really if I was an artist, a musician, or a dancer of ballet? Would you really if I was old and grey? Would you really if I was bi, straight, trans, or gay?

Why do I doubt what you say as you turn your head and walk away?

Curtis Powell


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