Letters to the Editor published in the Dec. 21, 2022 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.
Oneida County tax payments due Jan. 31
Oneida County taxpayers should have received their 2022 tax bills. If you did not receive your tax bill, you should contact the County or your local Treasurer. Oneida County Treasurer’s office can be reached at 715-369-6137. Remember, State law states you must pay your taxes and pay them on time even if you did not receive a tax bill. You can also find the 2022 Oneida County tax information, including the tax bill, on the Ascent Land Records website www.ascent.co.oneida.wi.us/LandRecords/.
Enter just your parcel number and be sure to enter a hyphen instead of spaces. Ascent Land Records site will also show payments received by Municipalities.
Please note: Due to staff shortages and record high sales, the Land Information Office is delayed in processing the deeds to the tax roll. Property sales that occurred after Aug. 1, 2022 will not be updated to the 2022 tax roll. New owners will need to get the tax bill from the sellers, or by going online to view and/or download a PDF of bill.
You must pay at least the first installment listed on the tax bill on or before Jan. 31 to your Local Town/City treasurer. Make sure to make your check and envelope out to the municipality and mail it to them. Their address is on the coupon. We receive many payments mailed to our office with the check made out to the municipality. If you send the first payment to our office by mistake, we will then forward your payment at the end of January.
If you miss the payment deadline, or if you pay less than the amount due, your taxes will be delinquent. You will be charged 1.5% penalty and interest per month on the total unpaid tax amount if you miss this payment. More importantly, however, you lose the option of making your second half payment in July.
Now is also the time to be sure you are certified for the Lottery and Gaming Credit. Please check your tax bill.
The amount of the Lottery and Gaming Credit appears in the middle of your tax bill, right above the Net Property Tax calculation. If you have not received the Lottery Credit and meet the requirements, contact your local treasurer who will see that you receive a claim form or go to the County website and look under Departments, Treasurer.
You must sign and return the form to your local treasurer before you can be certified for and receive the Credit. You are only allowed one credit. It must be property that was owned by you and was your primary residence on Jan. 1, 2022 to be eligible for the credit. This form must be in the hands of the local treasurer by Jan. 31 to receive the credit off the current tax bill.
Tara Ostermann
Oneida County Treasurer