For the Tomahawk Leader
MERRILL – The North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (NCWWDB) announced on Thursday, July 14 that it has partnered with Childcaring, Inc. and T.B. Scott Free Library to host a community conversation about the issues surrounding the scarcity of quality child care as part of its Worker Advancement Initiative (WAI) Child Care Project.
The event, a collaborative effort between NCWWDB, Childcaring, Lincoln County Social Services, Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA), Trinity Lutheran Church and T.B. Scott Free Library, will be held on Saturday, July 30, in the community room at the T.B. Scott Free Library, 106 1st St., Merrill, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
“Finding quality child care has been an issue for many parents in our area,” a release from NCWWDB stated. “The pandemic turned this reality into a nightmare due to numerous regulated child care providers having to close their doors.”
NCWWDB said the event is “aimed at bringing everyone to the table to discuss the issues and work together to find solutions.”
During the event, experts from local child care resource and referral agencies will guide the conversation and provide real-time data about the crisis. Lincoln County community leaders will announce their Dream Up! Grant award and share plans for future child care options.
NCWWDB will present funding opportunities available through the WAI Grant for individuals who are interested in providing regulated child care in their homes or those who would like to work in a child care facility. The WAI Grant is a workforce development project made available by the American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.
For more information on the event, contact NCWWDB at 715-204-1640 or [email protected].
The North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board is a private, nonprofit corporation with a mission to develop and retain a skilled workforce which meets the changing needs of regional employers and promotes economic growth.
NCWWDB also administers the federal Workforce Investment & Opportunity Act (WIOA) employment and training programs for Adults, Youth and Dislocated Workers and oversees the Job Center system in northcentral Wisconsin. It serves the Adams, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas and Wood counties.