DATCP surveying for spongy moth in Lincoln County, 46 others

For the Tomahawk Leader

WISCONSIN – The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) this week announced that it will be setting more than 10,000 traps for spongy moth, formerly known as gypsy moth, in 47 counties from mid-May through early June.

Nearly all of Lincoln County, except for a narrow section in the eastern portion of the county, is within the trapping area, according to a map provided by DATCP. Roughly half of Oneida and Vilas counties and all of Price County are also within the trapping area.

DATCP’s trapping area in northern Wisconsin.

View the full map at www.bit.ly/3G49gwS.

DATCP requests that property owners allow trappers access to place traps and not disturb the traps once in place.

“The data we gather from these traps provide an estimate of the state’s spongy moth population and is used to plan for next year’s spray treatment,” said Michael Falk, DATCP Spongy Moth Program Manager. “It also helps DATCP nursery and Christmas tree inspectors check trees for spongy moth egg masses in the fall.”

Traps are small green boxes tied to tree branches. The trap contains the scent of a female spongy moth that is undetectable to other insects and is used to attract and catch adult male spongy moths.

Photos courtesy of DATCP.

Trappers will monitor traps until male moths stop flying and the traps are removed in August.

Trappers wear fluorescent vests and carry identification cards. Each trap is labeled with a phone number that property owners can call if they have questions or decide they want it removed.

For more information on spongy moth trapping, visit www.bit.ly/3PwflpZ, call the hotline toll-free at 800-642-MOTH, email [email protected] or follow DATCP on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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