By Jalen Maki
Tomahawk Leader Editor
TOMAHAWK – The School District of Tomahawk is set to hold three public informational meetings regarding the three-year, $3.25 million non-recurring referendum that will appear on April 5 ballots.
The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 9 at 6 p.m. in the district auditorium.
The second and third meetings are slated for Thursday, March 17 at 6 p.m.; and Monday, March 21 at 6 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the auditorium.
Board member Deb Velleux, who also serves as chair of the board’s ad hoc committee tasked with overseeing the referendum planning process, said the meetings are intended to “inform the public and stakeholders of the need for the referendum.”
Interim District Administrator Joe Innis, along with Middle School Principal Wendell Quesinberry, who will take over as District Administrator on July 1, will provide information on “referendum need, school funding formula and tax impact,” Velleux said.
“A Career Technical Education (CTE) educator with our school district will be presenting on the CTE program and offerings and what may be lost with a failed referendum,” Velleux stated.
School board members will also be on hand at the meetings.
“All in attendance will be given an opportunity to have their questions answered,” Velleux stated.
April will mark the district’s third attempt to pass a referendum in about 18 months. Voters rejected a four-year, $3.5 million referendum by 51 votes in Nov. 2020, and a four-year, $3.25 million spending request failed by 33 votes in April 2021.
Less than a month after the defeat of the April 2021 referendum, the board approved roughly $2.4 million in budget cuts, including not replacing four professional staff and two administrators who retired or resigned, freezing salaries for all staff for the 2021-2022 school year and eliminating a bus route. The board also approved spending about $1.2 million out of the district’s Fund 10 balance.