Letters to the Editor: Dec. 8, 2021

Letters to the Editor published in the Dec. 8, 2021 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


I love Tomahawk

I love Tomahawk. Nice people live and work in Tomahawk.

The other day my husband, who needs a walker, and I were at the Tomahawk Pharmacy. His walker caught on the rug and the girl from the pharmacy said, “I can help you with that.” She took some walker gliders off the shelf and put them on his walker. She had trouble getting one of the old gliders off and a man standing there offered to help her. I found both those actions very special.

I am not surprised that a worker and a customer at the Tomahawk Pharmacy would be that thoughtful and helpful.

I repeat, I love Tomahawk.

Jeanie Crass


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