Aspirus provides information on COVID-19 vaccine boosters, breakthrough infections

For the Tomahawk Leader

WISCONSIN – Aspirus Health this week provided information on COVID-19 vaccine boosters and breakthrough infections.

“Reports of COVID-19 breakthrough cases make national headlines frequently,” Aspirus said in a release from Wednesday, Oct. 20. “The most recent example is the death of Colin Powell from COVID-19 complications. These reports are coming at the same time the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing its recommendations for COVID-19 boosters. All this information adds to confusion about COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and the need for booster shots.”

Michael Walters, MD, Aspirus Senior System Physician Executive of Specialty Care, said in the release that the intent of the booster shot is to “rev up that immunity again and get it acting at its full potential.”

“Think of it as a series like you would see with a lot of other vaccinations that you would have had as a child or even as an adult, such as your tetanus shots,” Walters explained.

Aspirus said COVID-19 hospitalizations throughout the Aspirus Health system largely impact people who are not fully vaccinated, but breakthrough infections happen too.

On Tuesday, Oct. 19, 27% of COVID-positive patients in the Aspirus system had been fully vaccinated, according to the release.

“It reinforces that idea that over time, your immunity will wane as you get further away from your initial vaccination series and so it really stresses that need for a booster shot,” Walters stated.

Aspirus noted that this doesn’t mean that the COVID-19 vaccines are not working.

“It’s just really part of how our bodies work and how the vaccines work,” Walters said. “The intent of the vaccinations is not to prevent you from getting the disease; it’s to prevent serious infection, hospitalization and death.”

“New data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) show significantly higher rates of infection, hospitalization and death among individuals who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” Aspirus said. “These rates in Sept. 2021 were five times higher for infection, nine times higher for hospitalization and 19 times higher for death.”

Visit for more information about the difference between a third COVID-19 shot and boosters, as well as guidance on who is eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot.

Those eligible for COVID-19 vaccine or a booster shot can schedule through the MyAspirus app or Currently, only Pfizer boosters are available. Scheduling options will be added for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson once they are authorized by the CDC and DHS, Aspirus said.

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