Letters to the Editor: July 21, 2021

Letters to the Editor published in the July 21, 2021 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


Speeding in Lincoln County

The number of tickets for speeding in Lincoln County has reached epidemic levels. This week in the Leader it lists 8, I believe, over 90 MPH. One was clocked at 134.

I looked up the penalties on line and for 20 MPH over the speed limit, one is assessed 6 demerit points. I guess they never invented a more severe penalty for 30 miles over the speed limit. I feel anyone going 90 or above needs to have an immediate and memorable suspension of their license. The penalty for having 12 demerit points is only a two-month suspension. Not very impressive.

Speed kills as surely as does alcohol and drugs. I feel anyone going 90 or above needs to lose their license for at least 6 months. Maybe that would help them learn how to drive.

Laurie Groskopf


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