Courtesy of the Oneida County Land & Water Conservation Department
RHINELANDER – Are you wondering if a plant in your yard is native, invasive, or beneficial to pollinators? Do you have yellow iris or purple loosestrife that you can’t get rid of? Are you curious if the snails along your shoreline are harmful or invasive? Wonder no longer!
Bring a sample of your suspects to Invasive Species ID Day on Thursday, June 24, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., located at the Oneida County Courthouse pollinator garden along South Baird Ave. in Rhinelander.
“The Invasive Species Team from Oneida County Land & Water Conservation Department and partners will identify your suspects and provide guidance in invasive species management, so you (can) take back your yard or protect your lake,” a release from the department said.
The free event will feature samples of non-native species, free educational material and refreshments.
Invasive plants, insects, animal species and diseases are “the foremost threat to native species and ecosystems in woodlands, wetlands, waterbodies and neighborhoods,” the release said.
“When it comes to conservation and preventing the spread of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, the more you know, the more you can make a difference,” the release stated. “It is never too late to learn!”
For more information, call Stephanie Boismenue at 715-369-7835.