By Jalen Maki
Tomahawk Leader Editor
TOMAHAWK – Fourth and fifth grade students from St. Mary’s School did their part to celebrate Arbor Day by planting two trees in Veterans Memorial Park last week.
Before planting the trees, three students gave a presentation explaining the history of Arbor Day, and Mayor Steve Taskay read a proclamation declaring May 12, 2021 Arbor Day in the City of Tomahawk.
City of Tomahawk Street Department lead Nick Rosenmeier told the students that Tomahawk has been a Tree City USA city for 35 consecutive years. Tree City USA is an initiative started in 1976 by the Arbor Day Foundation that helps communities manage and expand their public trees.
Rosenmeier said the American Transmission Company donated $250.00 for the city to put towards celebrating Arbor Day.
The students, with help from city employees, planted two Princeton elm trees. Rosenmeier noted that elms used to line Wisconsin Avenue, but Dutch elm disease wiped the trees out. The Princeton elms planted last week are disease-resistant.
The City of Tomahawk plants roughly 10 to 15 trees per year, both in the spring and fall. Rosenmeier said the city plants numerous species in an effort to diversify the city’s tree population and avoid disease, such as emerald ash borer.
After the students planted the trees, they took advantage of the beautiful day by having a picnic in the park.