Letters to the Editor published in the May 5, 2021 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.
Critical Race Theory needs to be addressed
Parents, Grandparents and Concerned Citizens,
If you have children in the Tomahawk School System or are at the very least concerned with what is being taught to the children. Please take action and get involved with the teachers, curriculum director, Vice Principle and Principle in that order. The curriculum is in the hands of the Teacher and their interpretation. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is what needs to be addressed.
Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Here is the link to the definition: www.britannica.com/topic/critical-race-theory.
As a community we need to make sure that our children are not taught that, because they were born White that they are responsible for all of the race issues that exist today. Our Republic is not evil as some would like to instill in our children.
When your child is doing their homework pay attention to what the assignment is about. This has to happen before the assignment is sent to the teacher. Once the assignment is sent there is no way to see what it involved.
I know it is hard to believe that this has actually reached our small community, it’s not just the big cities, but it is here and the community needs to make it very clear we won’t allow it!
The future of our Community, State and our Republic are at stake!
Kathleen Strahota
Giving sanctuary status to weaponry, violence: Mockery, spiritual blasphemy
To the Editor:
State Senator Mary Felzkowski has co-authored legislation to make Wisconsin a Second Amendment sanctuary state. Assemblyman Calvin Callahan (who’s also a supervisor on the Lincoln County board) tried, at the county level, to get Second Amendment sanctuary status for Lincoln County. We stopped it by a vote of 13-9.
But neither Felzkowski nor Callahan seems to know or understand the history of sanctuary, which is a sacred space or consecrated place.
The Christian church had instituted sanctuary by the fifth century. It was a place to escape from violence, a space free of violence, a refuge for those threatened by violence. It was not a sanctuary for violence.
To give sanctuary status to weaponry and violence is to turn the entire meaning of sanctuary upside down. It is a mockery of what sanctuary stands for. It is spiritual blasphemy.
That those who claim to be our leaders can be so ignorant—and perhaps even contemptuous—of the meaning of sanctuary is stunning, to put it mildly.
Paul Gilk