Letters to the Editor: Feb. 3, 2021

Letters to the Editor published in the Feb. 3, 2021 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


Tiffany should resign

(NOTE: This letter was submitted on Jan. 14, 2021.)

Rep. Tiffany,

It is amazing that you stood on the floor of the House of Representative and had the audacity to chide the Speaker and those voting to impeach the worst President the U.S. has ever had on the premise that the incoming administration having campaigned on unity and peace should not be voting for impeachment.

How hypocritical can you be? You – who along with way too many of your fellow Republicans – endorsed and spread the terrible conspiracy theories drummed up by a President, who is the sorest loser in history, and who also had the audacity to ask a Georgia Republican leader to commit a crime to pacify his ego. For months, the President spewed his lies regarding an impending fraudulent election with no proof and no basis. That is because there is no basis for this ridiculous conspiracy theory which you continued to espouse even after 60 law suits found no evidence of any of the false accusations made by you.

In last week’s paper you continued to spew lies about Dane and Milwaukee Counties without a shred of proof or evidence. And your ilk and your lies are what ultimately led to an insurrection and siege on the Capitol of the U.S. You are as seditious and traitorous as the man in the White House and now you are saying there should be no consequences for this behavior? Really?

Thank Goodness the President has been impeached and you, Mr. Tiffany, should resign. That will be a first step in bringing peace and unity and not dissension – into our beloved country.

Judy Leggett


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