Letters to the Editor: Nov. 18, 2020

Letters to the Editor published in the Nov. 18, 2020 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


So many do not take this seriously

I wonder if some businesses in Tomahawk really care and are concerned with the safety of their customers.

There are many that require masks in the business and the employees also wear them. Unfortunately there are also some that do not require them and the employees do not wear them. If I need hardware I feel safer driving 25 miles to Menards where they are constantly cleaning the carts and checkouts and all employees wear a mask, than going to our local hardware store where no one wears a mask and they are not required in the store. Between that and all those who spend time at the bars and attending get togethers with large groups, I am not at all surprised at the number of C19 cases there are in the area.

If our local businesses care about their customers and want to keep business local they need to step up and do their part to help contain this nasty thing.

There are many business in Tomahawk who do require masks and keep their business clean. I thank them for showing concern for those who do business with them.

I am at the point where I don’t feel safe being out in public simply because so many do not take this seriously and don’t seem to care if they may be passing it around to others. Even if you don’t feel concerned, please think of those who may have adverse effects and would like to live to see the vaccine or cure for the virus.

Gordy Lovsletten



99th American Education Week

Dear Editor,

Nov. 16-20 will mark the 99th annual observance of American Education Week.

During American Education Week we celebrate public education and show our appreciation for the men and women who make a difference in students’ lives every day. This year, American Education Week is more important than ever, as educators and support professionals work tirelessly to keep student learning on track amid a pandemic.

A school is not a building; it is a family of caring, knowledgeable professionals shaping goals and dreams. Whether you serve as an administrator, bus driver, cafeteria worker, maintenance staff, support professional, or teacher you are all part of the very important job of educating and giving our students the vital knowledge to live and be successful.

This year, we especially thank you for showing resilience and flexibility while keeping our students safe.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our schools and our students!

Terry Derleth

Lincoln County Retired Educators’ Association


Time to light it up

Will the madness of 2020 ever end? Between the pandemic, the politics, homelessness and loneliness, unemployment, forest fires, hurricanes and civil unrest, we need something to make us smile, laugh, get fired up, feel good or just get excited. My remedy…Christmas lights and the holiday season!

For many years, with the help of my wife, daughters, and grandkids, we’ve decorated for Christmas. Now at my age, I try to do a little less every year, but once I get a few lights up, the juices start flowing and off I go.

If I can get excited about Christmas at my age, I can’t help but think that maybe some of you could get fired up as well by just having some decorations of your own such as Christmas lights, a wreath, or just getting out for a ride to check out the variety of holiday displays. It is just bound to make you feel better.

My point is this…you have got to believe that there is a brighter future on the horizon amidst all of this doom and gloom. If we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, then it’s time to light up the tunnel.

Tom Seavey


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