Letters to the Editor: Oct. 21, 2020

Letters to the Editor published in the Oct. 21, 2020 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


Does Tiffany support QAnon, conspiracy theories?

When you have a less-than-stellar voting record, the temptation is to lie about it, or worse, lie about your opponent’s record.

Tom Tiffany’s latest TV ad campaigning for Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District states that Tricia Zunker, his opponent, has called for the defunding of law enforcement. That is a bold-faced lie and Tiffany knows it. Tricia Zunker supports law enforcement and believes that they should get additional federal funding.

Tiffany, however, did support defunding public schools if they did not open this fall because of Covid-19 concerns.

Tiffany personally drove the defeat of Wisconsin’s “Prove it First” law, which protected Wisconsin waters from mining pollution.

Tiffany was the only Wisconsin representative to vote NO to a Congressional resolution condemning the radical right QAnon and rejecting its dangerous conspiracy theories. The resolution passed the House by a 371 to 17 vote. Which begs the question; does Tiffany support QAnon and its crazy, unfounded conspiracy theories?

Personally, I would like to hear Tom Tiffany’s position on armed, white supremacists, which are the greatest threat to law enforcement.

Diana C. Smith


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