11 students, four staff members quarantined until Oct. 21
TOMAHAWK – School District of Tomahawk Administrator Terry Reynolds announced on Wednesday, Oct. 7 that an individual in the elementary school had tested positive for COVID-19. Reynolds did not specify whether the individual was a student, staff member, or visitor.
“Due to the situation and after contact tracing measures were implemented, one elementary classroom was impacted and that 2nd grade classroom will switch to remote learning until Oct. 21,” Reynolds stated. “Eleven students and four staff members will be quarantined during this entire time and will be able to return on Oct. 21, if symptom free.”
Reynolds said all parents of the impacted students have been contacted.
“Per our established protocol, any individuals identified as close contacts will be notified by Lincoln County and all areas of the building that these students used will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected according to guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control, Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Lincoln County Public Health,” Reynolds stated. “We are also in contact with the Lincoln County Public Health and will continue to take the steps necessary to protect the health of our students and staff.”
Reynolds noted that any students or employees who test positive for COVID and any students or employees “found to have been in close contact (within six feet of the positive COVID individual for a cumulative of 14 minutes or more within a 24 hour time period) with the positive COVID-19 cases will be quarantined and not allowed to return until their quarantine timelines are met, and they are not symptomatic.”
For more information about the School District of Tomahawk’s COVID-19 protocols, visit https://www.tomahawk.k12.wi.us/district/safety-protocols.cfm.