Businesses moving forward with own events, organization says
By Jalen Maki
Tomahawk Leader Editor
TOMAHAWK – Tomahawk Main Street Inc.’s Board of Directors on Tuesday, July 28 announced that it had cancelled its portion of events for the Downtown Tomahawk Veterans Fall Ride and the Thunder Parade, scheduled for Sept. 17 through Sept. 20, saying the “uncertainties of COVID-19 weighed heavy on the decision.”
“This decision did not come easy, and TMS will continue to offer support to the businesses that are moving forward with their own events, which many of them are,” Main Street said in a post shared on its website and Facebook page. “Tomahawk Main Street thanks all of our generous supporters, and vendors, and we look forward to a bigger and better event in 2021. Stay healthy!”
The City of Tomahawk Common Council during its July 14 meeting voted 4 to 3 to reaffirm Main Street’s special event permits for downtown events and the Thunder Parade following a request from VFW Post 2687 to have the permits rescinded due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lincoln County Health Department (LCHD) Director and Health Officer Shelley Hersil told the council that LCHD is currently not recommending mass gatherings of more than 50 people and stated her belief that COVID-19 spread would occur at Fall Ride festivities.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) in June cancelled its portion of Fall Ride events at SARA Park, citing the COVID-19 pandemic.