Letters to the Editor: July 29, 2020

Letters to the Editor published in the July 29, 2020 issue of the Tomahawk Leader.


Do some soul searching

To City Council Members Dale Ernst, Jeff Kahle, Will Garske, and Todd Wegener

It surprises us that these 4 members of Tomahawk’s City Council are making the decisions for the entire community that helped elect them, and now these four are choosing dollars over the health of their voters.

As a Korean War veteran, I support the VFW’s Commander, Jerry Dvorak and his stand against the Downtown Tomahawk Veterans Fall Ride being held this year. The MDA canceled their participation back in June, so the MDA doesn’t want it and either do the Veterans…..listen to them! Vote no!

Shelley Hersil, from the Lincoln County Health Department, stated that it is not recommended that mass gatherings take place in the spread of COVID-19. Vote no!

In the past, thousands of riders have been welcomed to our community. This is not the year to host thousands of riders into our stores, restaurants and hotels. Our concern is not what Sturgis, South Dakota is doing…our concern is for our Tomahawk community!

Now is the time for Jeff Kahle, Dale Ernst, Will Garske, and Todd Wegener to do what is in the best interest for Tomahawk and Vote no! Our Hats off to Pat Haskin, Ed Nystrom and Mike Loka, the council members who have Tomahawk’s best interest at the forefront. Do some soul searching, the current rise in COVID-19 should dictate the no to permits to hold the fall ride!

The four of you will be remembered by your vote and concern for the city that you represent.

We strongly urge the citizens of Tomahawk to contact these council members, to vote down the ride approval!

Long-time residents,

Jim and Darlene Likwarz



Decision was irresponsible, should be reversed

Tomahawk Mayor & Common Council:

Your recent decision to reapprove the Fall Ride and parade permit is unwise, unhealthy and just plain foolish and counter-productive to the best interests of the local citizenry!

I understand the long standing tradition of welcoming bikers from around the country to come to this area. The economic benefits and returns to the MDA program have always been considerable.

However, timing is everything. Public health officials are saying on a daily basis that “We’re in the public health fight of our lives right now and the worst pandemic our country has faced in a century.” Our own local health officials recommend against large gatherings that the Fall Ride would entail and believe COVID-19 would be spread during the Fall Ride. Many of the bikers may come from hot spots around the country and we will not know until after they leave what they may have brought with them. In most states, including Wisconsin, cases of the virus are moving upward on a daily basis. The health experts do not see this trend abating anytime soon.

Yet, in the face of evidence that large gatherings mean large spikes in the spread of the virus (Texas, Florida, Oklahoma) the council moves ahead apparently without regard for the health and safety of us – the people.

Tomahawk has a large segment of senior citizens. It is well established that seniors are hit especially hard by the virus and suffer serious mortality rates. Was this outcome considered?

So, who spoke up for the best interests of local citizens at the council meeting? Obviously, a majority of members did not!

This action by the council is playing havoc with our safety and lives!

The decision was irresponsible and should be reversed!

David L. Weizenicker


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