Letters to the Editor: June 24, 2020

We will never go back to what we were before Jan. 20, 2017

This is in reply to two letters posted in the June 10, 2020, issue of the Tomahawk Leader by David Barnhill and Judy Leggett.

I agree with reader Barnhill’s letter in the June 10 issue that using religion for a partisan purpose is disturbing. So I ask reader Barnhill if he saw a person walking across a street to a church, what would he think that person was up to? Isn’t it a natural thing for a person to go to a church, to a service, to pray, to spend some time with the Creator, to see damage recently done to a precious place? Would reader Barnhill automatically think it was for a photo-op? Yet, he makes a gross assumption about Donald Trump.

I am disappointed in Christian Church leaders making public judgements about a person’s intentions for going to Church. That isn’t what the founder said we should do.

Like reader Leggett, my life-span covers fourteen presidencies. I was content with some, and less than content with others. But one thing since I was old enough to vote, the day after the election we had a President who would be the President of the whole lot of us for four years and that was that. No political party, Democrat or Republican, embarked on a course of objection, obstruction, obfuscating, that is none did until Jan. 21, 2017 when the Democratic party changed the performance standards of the out party. This choice, has taken us into a whole new era, one that does us no honor where that one party has but one mission and that is to not grow the nation. It is shameful that the Democratic Party, the party that gave us some of the towering Presidencies of our history: FDR, Wilson, Jackson, has elected to go so far off track.

Addressing Leader McConnell calling the Senate into session to vote on judgeships, one might also ask about Leader Schumer using every delaying tactic in the Senate rule book to prevent advice and consent votes and that activity isn’t limited to actions regarding Judicial nominees. History records no President who has had so much obstruction in securing approval of his advisors. Why should that be?

Politics is not a parlor game. It has been, is, and always will be nasty at best and maybe dangerous at worst. Still, the game had been played with a sort of honor so that after an election, any election, but especially after presidential elections the country buckled down to make the best of things, easier for the winners and more difficult for the losers. But Jan. 21, 2017, ushered in a new era. Where this new age of virtual rebellion will lead us can’t be foretold. One thing is certain that we will never go back to what we were before Jan. 20, 2017. The Democratic Party has taken us out on violent seas. They will have the historical responsibility but we all will reap the whirlwind.

Bernard Lyngdal


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