1953 Tomahawk Leader staff get-together

1953 TOMAHAWK LEADER STAFF GET-TOGETHER: This 1953 photo of the Tomahawk Leader staff provided by the Tomahawk Area Historical Society features multiple people whose names are unknown. If you know the names of any unknown person or people in this photo, please contact the Historical Society at 715-453-2056. Pictured, bottom row, from left, Doris Kropla, Evan Hoff, Walt Kropla, Bill Schrader, unknown; middle, Dorothy Reinhold, unknown, Bronk Reinholdt, Phyllis (vonGnechten) Hoff, Jeanie (Brown) Neumeyer, unknown, unknown; back row, Clara Keenan, Ken Keenan, Graham Foster, Kathy Keenan, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown. Photo submitted by the Tomahawk Area Historical Society.

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