By Jed Buelow
Tomahawk Leader Co-Editor, Sports and Nature Editor
The old saying goes that it has to snow on the back of a robin three times before spring can arrive.
Well, the good news is we spotted our first red bellie in the Tomahawk area back on March 15 and by my count that early arriver was already covered in snow at least three times or more. Let spring bloom!
It sure does warm the heart after months of mostly white and cold when those first signs of spring arrive in the Northwoods. From that greatly appreciated robin to the red-winged blackbirds and the sound of geese passing overhead, the signs of the warmer months that lie just ahead have been arriving on a nearly daily basis in recent days. It won’t be long before loons will be back on the lakes and rivers and the evening air will be filled with the song of frogs chirping as they wake from hibernation.
And this spring can’t come soon enough. Like many others hunkered down over recent days due to the coronavirus pandemic, this backyard birdfeeder has had plenty of time to gaze out the windows at the birds and critters coming into the yard to feed. And the activity has really seemed to ramp up after a mostly quite winter season when visits were sparse aside from a few chickadees, nuthatches and morning doves.
The other day a flock of recently arrived finches took over the feeders. Another sign that spring is at our doorstep, they really were taking on that “golden” look they get this time of year. Hopefully some other springtime birds like the junco and the red-breasted grosbeaks will also be arriving soon.
Of course frogs aren’t the only thing that will soon be waking from a long winter slumber. By my estimate, we still have at least a few more weeks before the bird feeders will need to be taken down before the black bears take them down for us.
Thank goodness spring will be here soon and for the backyard birdfeeders that will help keep us entertained until then.