TOMAHAWK – Tomahawk Girl Scouts will be celebrating 108 years of Girl Scouting with a Splashing Good time at the Tomahawk school pool on Thursday, March 12, the anniversary of the first Girl Scout meeting held in Savannah, Ga.
A lot has changed through the years of Girl Scouting, but the most important theme remains: Girl Scouting offers every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure and success. The mission statement sums it up: “Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.”
The Girl Guides movement was formally founded in 1910 by Baden-Powell and his sister Agnes Baden-Powell in the United Kingdom. Within two years, Juliette Gordon Low founded a Girl Guide organization in the United States, and the name was later changed to Girl Scouts of the United States.
In 1920, two leaders from each Guide country were invited to the British County Commissioners Conference and became known as the First International Conference, which eventually led to the formation of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGS) in 1928. This global association supports female-orientated and female-only Guiding and Scouting organization in 150 countries.
Tomahawk has had a long history of Girl Scouting, but we are looking for information regarding the formation of the first Girl Scout troop in Tomahawk. It is estimated it began sometime in the 1920s. If anyone has information, please contact Kay Kissinger Wolf ([email protected]), Linda Neumeyer or Ann Jelinek.
Girls can join anytime, and we are approaching our camping season. Troops meet twice a month, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the Tomahawk School District complex, with the exception of one troop. Dates are as follows:
Daisy (4k through first grade): Troop 7219 – second and fourth Tuesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Tomahawk Public Library; Troop 7225 – first and third Thursdays.
Brownie (second and third grades): Troop 7220 – first and third Tuesdays; Troop 7218 – first and third Mondays.
Junior (fourth and fifth grades): Troop 7523 – second and fourth Tuesdays; Troop 7215 – second and fourth Mondays.
Cadette (sixth through eighth grades): Troop 7227 – second and fourth Mondays.
Sr/Amb.(ninth through twelfth grades): Troop 7212 – second and fourth Mondays.