Private Pesticide Applicator Training workshop offered in Merrill March 6


MERRILL – Do you plan on using a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) and produce an agricultural commodity on your property or your employer’s property? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you are a Private Applicator.

As a Private Applicator, you must receive training and certification to apply RUPs. To receive training and certification, purchase and study the Private Applicator Training (PAT) manual and do one of the two following options:

  1. Self-study and then go to the County Extension office to take the test for certification.
  2. Go to a training session offered by the County Extension Office and then complete the test at the end of the training.

Training in the General Farming Category will be offered by Lincoln County Extension on Friday, March 6 at the Lincoln County Service Center, Room 156, 801 N. Sales St., Merrill. All trainings begin at 9 a.m. The certification exam will take place after lunch. You do not need to attend the training to take the test.

You may pick up the training manual and register at least one week prior to the scheduled training session at the Lincoln County Extension Office, 801 N. Sales St., Merrill. A $35 Fee includes the PAT Manual and instructional materials.

For more information, contact Dan Marzu, Agriculture Extension Educator, at the Lincoln County Extension Office at 715-539-1078.

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