TOMAHAWK – Generations Funeral Home, 1400 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, will be offering two separate grief support sessions for those who have experienced loss.
“The first grief support group that will be offered as an ‘Open Group,’ said Karri Ernst of Generations. “This group offers companionship and understanding from others who have experienced a similar loss and are experiencing the similar challenges that living with grief brings.”
This session will be held the second Saturday of every month, beginning on March 14, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Generations.
The second grief support group that will be offered is a “Closed Group.” In addition to what the Open Group offers, this group will offer weekly sessions for eight weeks. This will be held every Thursday from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Generations.
Those who are interested in joining the upcoming Closed Group may attend an informational session, “Getting Acquainted,” on Thursday, Feb. 27, beginning at 1:30 p.m., at Generations. At this informational session, organizers and attendees will go over the Grief Support Program and explain what can be expected.
“You are more than welcome to join one or both groups,” Ernst said.
There is no charge to join the sessions. Preregistration is not required, and all materials will be provided.
For more information, call Generations at 715-224-3182.