TOMAHAWK – As most of our readers know, the Tomahawk Leader has gone through some changes recently.
The Leader was purchased from Larry and Kathy Tobin by Multi Media Channels on June 3. In that time, many changes have taken place, including converting to all new computers and servers, switching to a new printer, implementing new software for laying out and billing our paper’s ads, and, most recently, a switch to a new subscription database for mailing out our papers to our subscribers.
With these changes have come a few “growing pains,” one of them being issues regarding our subscriptions program. This has only affected a very small percentage of our subscribers, but if you are one that has not received your Leader in the past week or two, we sincerely apologize and are doing everything we can to rectify the problem with our mailing list. We are diligently working with our internal staff, our printer and the Tomahawk Post Office to ensure our mailings are going out as smoothly as possible.
If we missed you, please call 715-258-4360 and let us know so we can get it corrected for you. Complimentary copies are available at our office should you want to stop and get one due to being missed.
We thank our readers for their business and understanding, and ask for their patience when calling the office, as phone lines may be busy.